
Kaspars Jaudzems is a freelance developer working in Riga (Latvia) and London (UK). He works on a per project basis as a full-stack developer with web, mobile and installation related projects. He has been developing interactive experiences, sometimes rich in animation or 3D, for more than 10 years. His skill set and commercial expertise features:

  • frontend & UX development
  • backend & API development
  • mobile development
  • interactive 2D and 3D animation/generative graphics development
  • online payments
  • social APIs
  • legacy systems and re-engineering
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For 5 years, while living in London, UK he worked on quite many startup projects, with agile development methods and timelines.

In his free time he loves to experiment with 2D/3D animation and generative graphics, do Vipassana meditation and spend time with his daughter.