A friend asked me to give an example of a game state model, I was referring to when I tried to explain him how I develop simple games and touch screen applications. Here I’ll be trying to explain this, by extracting some example code from The secrets of three paintings app.
Be it ActionScript or JavaScript, whenever I’m writing relatively simple games or touch screen applications, I always use these 3:
Here is an up to date version of requestAnimationFrame polyfill. It’s a mashup from different sources.
I was playing around with Sonic Visualizer last night, following these great video tutorials. In one of them Mazurka Plugins are used, for which there were no downloadable OS X binaries until now:
Download mazurka-plugins.dylib (OS X Yosemite, 10.10)
I’m not sure if these will work with previous versions of OS X, but maybe give it a try.
If you want to try compiling yourself, here are the sources I used.
You’ll also need XCode with Command Line Tools and fftw3 installed.
new CountUpTimer(1000L) { @Override public void onTick(long millisElapsed) { Date date = new Date(millisElapsed); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millisElapsed) >= 1 ? "HH:mm:ss" : "mm:ss"); Log.i(dateFormat.format(date)); } };
Perhaps having come languages like PHP, Javascript or ActionScript, I just can not get used to tagging log output.
Hence I came up with a class: OneLog – one tag.
I initialise OneLog.TAG in my Application class, but it really can go anywhere appropriate.
public class MyApp extends Application { public static final String PACKAGE; static { PACKAGE = MyApp.class.getPackage().getName(); OneLog.TAG = PACKAGE; } ... }
And then you’re free (from tagging):
Log.i("test log");